Sunday, January 31, 2010

Is Implantation Bleeding More Common In Twin Pregnancies Is Implantation Bleeding More Common With A Twin Pregnancy?

Is implantation bleeding more common with a twin pregnancy? - is implantation bleeding more common in twin pregnancies

I suppose that I ovulate on both sides, 21 November and had sex on that day, because we are TTC. But today, 4 days of December, we begin to bleed. I had no common PMS symptoms like bloating. I have two children, both singles and never implantation bleeding? This could be an initial period (which was a cycle of 26 days) or it can be implantation bleeding?


drewsill... said...

Note that every pregnancy is different. Just because I want to bleeding in the application of other pregnancies did not mean it never. It may also be a starting time. If you bleed during implantation of a few hours and then stop. Give a little time, one or two weeks and then a test.

Good luck!

zinntwin... said...

I have 5 children, were the last two twins. I had implantation bleeding with twins, 3 but with my son Probably not, but it might help give you an idea.

zinntwin... said...

I have 5 children, were the last two twins. I had implantation bleeding with twins, 3 but with my son Probably not, but it might help give you an idea.

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